International Activities Terms And Conditions

1. You must be at least 18 to register and participate in any off campus International Activities.

2. If you are 17 or under you must provide written consent from a parent or guardian and prior written approval from the International Activities Coordinator to register and participate in any activities in the International Activities programme. 

3. Children are not permitted to participate in any off campus International Activities.

4. SANITI reserves the right to alter or cancel a booking in accordance with reasonable operating procedures or circumstances beyond its control. Where there has been a payment made to SANITI, a refund in full for International Activities canceled by the coordinator will be given. 

5. Activities may be limited to a certain number of participants and your place will only be confirmed once the Booking Form has been fully completed, signed and payment, if any has been made. 

6. All prices are quoted in NZ dollars ($NZD).

7. Payment for events that have costs associated with them, should be made in cash to the SANITI office, receipted and a receipt given to the person who made the payment.

8. Apart from activities we cancel, SANITI has a no refund policy for International Activities.

9. If an activity is postponed/rescheduled, you will have one week to confirm your participation or where a payment has been made to request a full refund.

10. If an activity is cancelled, where a payment has been made, you have one week to provide your receipt in order to be refunded.

11. International Activities aims to provide a safe and happy experience for all individuals and welcomes participants with special needs. However, please note: 
– Participants must advise the International Activities Coordinator of any medical, physical or special needs that may require assistance or accommodation before the activity commences.
– It is the participant’s responsibility to ensure medical and physical fitness for the activity they are registered on and SANITI may impose safety requirements necessary for the safety of the trips or activity. SANITI may exclude any individual from participating in a International Activity if that individual’s participation represents a threat to health and safety.
– SANITI does not provide personal devices (such as wheel chairs or hearing aid) or personal services (such as assistance in walking, eating or dressing) on International Activities. Any participant who requires personal assistance, devices or services must be accompanied by a companion capable of providing that assistance on all activities.

12. All individuals choosing to participate in International Activities do so voluntarily and solely at their own risk. By participating, you agree that you understand that there are inherent risks in the activities.

13. SANITI does not provide medical addition beyond First Aid or employ medical staff, any such attention will be provided by local facilities and will be at the participant’s expense. SANITI is not responsible for the quality of care received or liable for any costs or losses incurred due to medical expenses incurred while on an activity.

14. Participants are responsible for any damage caused while undertaking a International Activity.

15. SANITI recommends that you take out insurance cover for medical expenses, personal accident, money and public liability before starting a International Activity. SANITI recommends that you ensure your insurance covers all activities you intend to engage in as some insurance policies will not cover adventure activities.

16. SANITI may, at its discretion, decline the registration or remove from an activity any participant who cannot or will not comply with the International Activities Terms and Conditions.

17. You agree not to hold SANITI, its employees, its partners or contractors responsible for any harm to my person, or damage to your property that may result from participation in these activities.

18. You agree to adhere to appropriate standards of behaviour at all times.

19. You agree to follow the directions and instructions of the activity organisers.

20. You agree not to endanger your own safety, or the safety of others.

21. You agree for SANITI to photograph, video or otherwise record you and agree that any such images and/or recordings may be used for promotion and advertising. You waive all rights to any such images and/or recordings and waive any claims or liability arising from the use of the images and/or recordings.

22. You agree to not bring or consume alcohol on any trips.